
The post Coinbase为比特币减半事件打广告宣传 appeared first on Cryptonews China. 




“Over time, your money gets you less. Does Bitcoin?” the ad’s narrator asks.

Food for thought:
What if money was designed to get you more over time, not less?#Bitcoin

— Coinbase (@coinbase) April 15, 2024

回到2010年,早期比特币采用者Laszlo Hanyecz以1万比特币购买了两个披萨,这被广泛认为是比特币作为交换媒介的首次使用。到2012年,仅一枚比特币就能购买一份披萨,而到了2020年,比特币的价值已达到每枚数千美元。

Coinbase表示:“大约每四年,比特币的未来供应就会减少。” “因此从历史上看,你得到的会更多,而不是更少。比特币推动了货币的前进。”

Coinbase提到的“比特币减半”,是指每经过210,000个区块,比特币的供应发行速率就会减半。下一次比特币减半将在第840,000个区块发生,约在4天后,这将使比特币区块奖励从每个区块6.25 BTC减少到3.125 BTC。




Back in 2010, early Bitcoin adopter Laszlo Hanyecz famously spent 10,000 Bitcoin to buy two pizzas, in what is widely known as the first-ever use of Bitcoin as a medium of exchange. By 2012, just one Bitcoin could purchase a pizza, and by 2020, Bitcoin was worth thousands of dollars per coin.

“Roughly every four years, the future supply of Bitcoin is reduced,” Coinbase said. “So historically, you get more, not less. Bitcoin moves money forward.”

Coinbase refers to the “Bitcoin halving,” when Bitcoin’s supply issuance rate is cut in half every 210,000 blocks. The next Bitcoin halving takes place at block 840,000 in approximately 4 days, and will reduce Bitcoin block subsidy from 6.25 BTC per block to 3.125 BTC per block.

This effectively lowers Bitcoin’s inflation rate to be significantly less than that of gold, to which the asset’s boosters often compare the asset as a reliably scarce store of value. Historically, the event has also been followed by a sharp increase in Bitcoin’s price roughly 12 to 18 months later, theoretically due to the ensuing supply crunch.

Even Bitcoin miners are bullish on the event, despite the fact that it means reduced revenues for them in the short term.

“The supply shock of the halving has historically been linked to exponential runs in the price of Bitcoin, which counteracts the impact on miner revenues,” an IREN spokesperson told Cryptonews last week.





The post Coinbase为比特币减半事件打广告宣传 appeared first on Cryptonews China.