8V Urgent Security Notice: Beware of Lookalike Domains and Misleading Search Results

Dear Users,

We’ve detected criminal activity involving domain names mimicking “8v.com”. These fake sites are crafted to resemble our official platform and might show up in Google search results, misleading users.

Key Indicators of Fraudulent Domains:

Similar-Looking URLs: Be cautious of domains that slightly modify “8v.com”, such as “8v-secure.com” or “8vv.com”.

Google Search Results: Be skeptical of search engine results. Fake domains could rank through manipulative SEO.

Unusual Website Behavior: Fraudulent sites may have odd pop-ups, redirecting, or aggressive information requests.

Security Certificate Warnings: Pay attention to browser security certificate warnings.

Preventative Actions:

Direct Entry: Enter “8v.com” directly into your browser’s address bar to avoid fake sites.

Bookmarking: Bookmark the legitimate “8v.com” to ensure safe access.

Verify Links: Hover over links to check URLs. If suspicious, do not click.

Report Suspicious Sites: Report lookalike domains to our security team at support at 8vex.com

Official Access Points:

Exclusive Domain: We exclusively operate our web platform through the “8v.com” domain. Any variation of this domain claiming to offer our services is fraudulent.

Official Apps: Our services are also accessible via our official Android and iOS apps. Downloads from other sources or sites claiming to offer our app are illegitimate and pose a security risk.

Your security is of paramount importance. We’re committed to countering these threats and protecting our community.

8V team

March 28, 2024

8V Official Social Media 

Official website:https://8V.com

Telegram (En): https://t.me/global8v 

Telegram Community (En): https://t.me/global8vchat 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/8V.Global/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/8v.global/ 

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/8Voffical_group/ 

